Our Mission
We provide information on survivalism, camping, food storage, cooking and grilling, and self reliance.
Our goal is to ensure you are prepared for natural and man-made disasters, before, during and after they occur.
| 1 | Cold Weather Survival |
| We've all been fooled by Mother Nature when we leave our homes on a "balmy" winter's day when we only have on a light wind-breaker jacket to keep warm. Then, for some reason, we can't get home during the daylight hours. As night falls, so does the temperature. Here are several ideas for surviving inthe cold. |
| Also in: Basic SkillsHow ToSafety |
| 2 | First Aid: Hot Weather |
| Heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke are usually associated with strenuous exercise, but can occur in any person, at any time during hot weather. Somewhere in the world today, maybe where you are, it is going to be very hot. Read on to learn the signs and solutions for heat-related illness. |
| Also in: First AidWater |
| 3 | Opinion: Tornado |
| I wrote this article a few months ago and re-discovered it recently. Although the storm has long since passed, the next storm is always just around the corner...I have to ask myself, "Have I done all I can do to make my family safe?" |
| Also in: Disaster PreparednessOpinions | |
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