1 | Basic Skills: Basic Vegetables |
| No matter where you go in an emergency or survival situation, the length of time you can live depends on the amount of water you can drink, and the amount of food you can eat.
You can "back-pack" in all the food you physically can, but it still won't be enough unless you can restock your shelves. Even a small garden can mean the difference between life and death. You can eat fish and game, but to have a good diet you need vegetables, too. |
| Also in: Basic SkillsHow To |
2 | Basic Skills: Bowfishing |
| An article on the basics of bowfishing and the gear you need to get started. Bowfishing involves the use of a bow, an arrow and some fishing line attached to both the bow and the arrow. For many archery fans, bowfishing augments an all to short hunting season, allowing them to practice their skills all year long. |
| Also in: Basic SkillsFishing |
3 | Basic Skills: Slaughtering Chicken |
| When you can't go to the corner store, knowing how to dispatch a chicken, clean it, and cook it will be vital. Plus you can practice your hypnotism skills! Read on. |
| Also in: Basic SkillsHow To |
4 | Basic Skills: The Cache |
| You have all the food and supplies you need. Now you need to make sure you keep them safe from bears, raccoons, and the desperate folks that did not plan as well as you. From rudimentary to high-tech, here are some ideas to perfectly protect your precious provisions. |
| Also in: Basic SkillsCampingDisaster PreparednessFood StorageHow ToPopular |
5 | Cleaning Catfish |
| The process is the same for the 2 pound or the 200 pound catfish. Here are illustrated step-by-step instructions for cleaning and skinning catfish. |
| Also in: FishingHow To |
6 | Do-It-Yourself: Campfire Grille |
| When it's time to bug out, you may not end up in a convenient campsite with a grille waiting for your use. Here's a simple, portable grille I fashioned from rebar. |
| Also in: Bug OutCampingHow To |
7 | Home Canning |
| Rogue Turtle is always on the lookout for the biggest bang for his bucks. But there are times when you just have to spend a little, to get a lot. Canning and preserving your own food is one of those cases. |
| Also in: Basic SkillsFood StorageHow To |
8 | How To: Hand Fishing |
| More people fish around the world without rods then with rods. It's mostly the "sport" fisherman who uses the rod and reel. And the sport fisherman pays out millions of dollars a year for that privilege. You don't need all that stuff. |
| Also in: CampingFishing |
9 | How To: Ice Fishing Part One |
| During the "cold" season that those of you who don't live in Florida call "winter", you may have to fend for yourselves while trying not to freeze to death. Some parts of our family actually prefer to live in "northern" states, where the freeze is a way of life. However, in the coldest regions of the country ice fishing is an option for food that is always available if you know how. |
| Also in: Basic SkillsCampingFishingPopularWater |
10 | How To: Sourdough Bread |
| Sourdough bread is a tradition that started somewhere around the campfires of the American pioneers and continues among die-hard traditionalists, such as the Rogue Turtle. If there ever was a bread that exemplifies the pioneer spirit, it is the Sourdough Bread. |
| Also in: How To |
11 | Need to Know: Butchering Poultry |
| Starting with catching the bird, here is how to get poultry to the plate. This is a reprint of one of the best I've seen on how to cut up and clean the birds (chickens, turkeys, or game birds) that you want to cook. |
| Also in: Basic Skills |
12 | On the Grill: Frogs and Toads |
| Not just for adventurous tourists in France, frogs are a plentiful option for the survivalists kitchen. Here is what to look for and a few ways to cook up some tasty Kermit. |
| Also in: Basic SkillsCamping |
13 | Smoke Your Food |
| Smoking meat is just another way to prepare food for dinner. It has the sideline benefit of preserving the food as well as cooking a great tasting meal. |
| Also in: Food StorageHow To |
14 | Trapper's Corner: Armadillo |
| If you have ever traveled through the South-Eastern or South-Central parts of the United States then you have seen this animal. It is most often seen on the side of the road, splattered all over the place and known locally as "road kill." However, when you are hungry enough...you eat anything! |
| Also in: CrittersPoisonTraps |
15 | Trapper's Corner: Brother Beaver |
| Learn how to hunt these beasts by recognizing their tracks, dams, and other signs. I have included details for trapping, cleaning, and even a collection of recipes for the adventurous cook. |
| Also in: Traps |
16 | Trapper's Corner: More Traps & Snares |
| Did you practice all the snares and traps I talked about in my earlier article? Well, if you mastered those, here's a whole new set to make sure you don't go hungry.
| Also in: Basic SkillsTraps |
17 | Trapper's Corner: Traps and Snares |
| The first in a series of articles focused on trapping. Up first are some basic traps and trapping techniques. Read this or go hungry. |
| Also in: Basic SkillsTraps |
18 | Trappers' Corner: Black Walnut |
| Continuing my series on poisons (especially fish poisons), here is my fact sheet on the Black Walnut. |
| Also in: FishingPoison |
19 | Trappers' Corner: Fish Poisons |
| This article is presented as another option for feeding yourself in the wilderness. It is highly illegal, but it works. It is a system as old as mankind, but is now considered highly ecologically unsound. |
| Also in: FishingHow ToPoisonWater |
20 | Trappers' Corner: Goat's Rue or Devils Shoestring |
| Continuing my series on poisons (especially fish poisons), here is my fact sheet on Goat's Rue or Devils Shoestring. |
| Also in: FishingPoison |
21 | Trappers' Corner: Muskrat |
| Certainly would be more appetizing if it was called the "Water Rabbit," but tracking, trapping, and preparing muskrat is the topic for this week's Trappers' Corner. |
| Also in: Traps |
22 | Trappers' Corner: Nets |
| Netting game is almost without exception, illegal in the U.S. If caught, you could face stiff fines. I only point out this option so that, when all else fails, you have yet another source of food for you and your starving family. |
| Also in: FishingKnots |
23 | Trappers' Corner: Netting Fish |
| Part two of my series on netting covers the use of nets in water. While we assume that your net will catch dinner, there is a wide variety of aquatic residents you don't want to find mixed in with dinner. Here's what to look for and what to avoid. |
| Also in: FishingHow ToTrapsWater |
24 | Trot Lines and Jug Lines |
| I hadn't even thought about trot line or jug line fishing for survival until I started writing my article about hand line fishing. The trot line is another method of hand line fishing but you don't have to stand around waiting for results. |
| Also in: Basic SkillsFishingHow To |
25 | Wildlife: Moose |
| This article discusses many facts about moose, hunting recommendations, as well as field dressing and cooking options for this large animal. |
| Also in: How To |