Our Mission
We provide information on survivalism, camping, food storage, cooking and grilling, and self reliance.
Our goal is to ensure you are prepared for natural and man-made disasters, before, during and after they occur.
What's my name?
I don't know either. This guy will be the mascot for the Rogue
Turtle Trapper's Corner, and he needs a name. I invite you to give me
one, two, or a hundred suggestions. I will review the entries and
notify everyone of the winner in an upcoming Trapper's Corner article.
If you want credit for suggesting the winning name, supply an
e-mail address. The winner will also recieve a coveted Rogue Turtle
coffe mug.
Thanks for reading - Rogue Turtle.
Of course! We are serious about protecting you privacy.
Rogue Turtle will never sell, give away, publish, distribute, or
otherwise abuse your e-mail address. We will only use it to notify you
if you submit the winning entry.
Legal mumbo-jumbo: No purchase necessary. Void where
prohibited. If multiple readers submit the same winning entry, one
winner will be selected at random from among those that submitted the
winning name. Do not pass go. Wait 30 minutes before swimming after meals.
Copyright © 2009 RogueTurtle.com. All rights reserved.
RogueTurtle.com is maintained by Sempai.