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We provide information on survivalism, camping, food storage, cooking and grilling, and self reliance.
Our goal is to ensure you are prepared for natural and man-made disasters, before, during and after they occur.
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Groups within Groups
Some survival groups are made up of more than one family. That means that each family group has their own "leader", be it Mom or Dad, or Grandma. A challenge to any leader of this type of group is to coordinate using family members from multiple families with the approval of the family leaders. It is similar to getting permission to attend the prom. Mom and Dad will want assurances that their kids will be safe before they send them out to do group-oriented jobs. You can't blame them for that. But it's a challenge to get all the jobs done.
Much of this type discussion should be carried out before the crisis situation begins. Have practice sessions that sit down and discuss all the jobs that need to be done, and who would best be put in charge. Don't allow one or two people to do all the work… "It's not fair". If you can establish the organization and work out all the "kinks" ahead of time, then when the real thing happens the system is already in place.
People change, develop other interests, and improve on skill levels. What was true yesterday may not be true today. If your group is well established and has been so for a few years, then you may need to re-evaluate group assignments from time to time. Teenagers grow and develop quickly. Suddenly, their peer group is more important than family. But their skills and abilities are much better. They are stronger and faster than they were as small children. They are ready for more and more responsibility, whether mom and dad realize it or not. Its hard for parents to see the gradual development of children. Sometimes it takes an "outsider" to point out their kids abilities to them. "New Eyes".
No group of people stays the same. It is a growing and developing entity that needs constant evaluation and scrutiny. It's easier to just sit back and watch the group function, but it's not the best management technique. Are you really looking out for your people by ignoring their growth and development? No. Many large groups of people, organized for a specific purpose, fall apart later on because the leadership of the groups fail to notice that people change. Interests and values change. Without the ability to be flexible, the group will cease to function.